Cardiovascular Disease

Improve Heart Health

Lower blood pressure, high cholesterol, and risk of stroke while reducing or eliminating medications with sustainable lifestyle changes!

Revitalize Your Heart with Evidence-Based Care

Managing heart health should be a vital part of everyone’s wellness goals, but most of us don’t know how. With proven lifestyle medicine programs, our team teaches you how you can prevent, improve, or even reverse cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke risk, and metabolic syndrome.  We help you address all areas of health—sleep, nutrition, movement, relationships, substances, and stress management—because each of these areas directly impacts your heart. With the right adjustments, you could decrease your reliance on medication and improve your quality of life.

We have a body composition analyzer and electrocardiogram (EKG) capabilities available on-site. By combining these medical technologies, we can tailor a personalized plan that considers not only your resting metabolic rate but also your cardiovascular health.

Our team partners with your cardiologist and other specialists to guide you with a plan that you can actually implement in your daily life! Give yourself confidence in your heart health today!

“I’ve never had a doctor spend so much time getting to know me.”

– Zoe Primary Care Patient

What makes Zoe Primary Care Different?

Traditional Medicine Zoe Primary Care
Time With doctor and other specialists
15-20 min. Visits
30-90 Min. Visits
Reduce or Eliminate reliance on medication
Accept insurance
Focus on long-term health and wellness
Treats Symptoms
Treats Source
Supportive community
Group members and team of specialists
Entire team focused on YOUR goals
Specialists Work Individually
Team of Specialists Working For You

Give Yourself Confidence In Your Heart Health Today.
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